Training Needs Analysis (TNA)

Through RISE you can access a Training Needs Analysis at no cost to your business. A Training Needs Analysis (TNA) is a process that helps employers identify skills gaps within their workforce, ultimately benefiting the organisation in various ways.

By pinpointing areas where employees lack proficiency, with the support of RISE, the TNA enables employers to identify targeted training programmes, leading to enhanced employee performance, job satisfaction, and adaptability to change.

TNA contributes to better employee engagement, talent development, and a competitive edge in the market. Overall, it assists organisations in aligning employee skills with business goals, thereby fostering continuous improvement and innovation.

The TNA will focus on:

  • Skill Gap Identification: Pinpoint areas where employees lack necessary competencies.
  • Targeted Training Programmes: Support to design and implement focused training to address specific skill gaps.
  • Increased Employee Performance: Enhance overall workforce competence and productivity.
  • Improved Job Satisfaction: Demonstrate commitment to professional development, leading to higher morale.
  • Cost Savings: Efficient allocation of resources by focusing on relevant training needs.
  • Enhanced Adaptability to Change: Identify emerging skill requirements to prepare the workforce for the future.
  • Better Employee Engagement: Boost engagement by providing opportunities for professional development.
  • Talent Development: Identify high-potential employees and tailor programmes for leadership development.
  • Competitive Advantage: Build a skilled workforce for innovation, adaptability, and market competitiveness.

How to arrange your RISE TNA


Contact our dedicated team at or call 01772 503585.
Schedule a call or meeting to facilitate the process of conducting your Training
Needs Analysis (TNA) to thoroughly assess your specific requirements.

Or click the link to complete our online form:


The RISE team will identify tailored training programmes/packages aimed at addressing your specific skill gaps. Additionally, we can arrange bespoke training days to meet your unique needs.


We will provide you with a comprehensive proposal that outlines the training programmes identified during our assessment process.


The proposal will encompass crucial details such as: programme duration, cost breakdowns, and other essential information.


Upon reaching a mutual agreement, we will proceed to coordinate and schedule a suitable date for the delivery of the agreed-upon training.